
Make sure you don't have any other containers exposing or local services running on ports 80 or 443.

Traefik Port Overrides (optional)

If you must run Traefik on different ports, export the following environment variables with the ports of your choice:



Upgrade Bash to 4.x

macOS, using Homebrew

  1. brew install bash
  2. Homebrew installs packages to /usr/local/bin/, so you’ll need to specify that path when looking for any Homebrew packages. In the following three commands, we’ll initiate a shell as the root user, append our desired shell’s path to a file of whitelisted system shells, and then change the system shell globally.

    sudo -s 
    echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /etc/shells
    chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

    Now you can close and reopen your terminal. With just those few commands, you should be using with the latest version of your shell. You can double-check the version you’re using with the command echo $BASH_VERSION. Or, if you’ve installed Zsh, you can use the command echo $ZSH_VERSION to do the same.

Get Harpoon

  1. curl | bash
  2. Optional: Load completion scripts by adding which harpoon > /dev/null && . "$(harpoon initpath)" to your profile (~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc).


  • harpoon help [<task> | <service>]

Web UIs


  • Run harpoon clean
    • On MacOS, you'll be asked for your password

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